AWS Certified Welder Application Process

"The Certified Welder program is a performance-based program with no prerequisite courses or certifications required. Final certification will provide "transferrable" credentials that you may take with you wherever you go."

You can also visit the American Welding Society (AWS) website for a current/complete set of these instructions.

Becoming an AWS Certified Welder
  1. Review the QC7 Standard for AWS Welders and any appropriate supplements
  2. Contact an AWS Accredited Test Facility to schedule the performance test (find a test facility here)
  3. On the day of your scheduled performance, deposit a sound weld. An AWS Certified Welding Inspector will then check the sample to confirm it meets the associated performance qualification requirements
  4. When/if you pass the test, the test facility will provide a Certified Welder Application and the qualification test record.  Send this information  and the application fee ($50 per certification) to the American Welding Society
  5. The AWS Certification Department will process your application. Within four to six weeks, typically, you should receive an AWS Certified Welder wallet card and renewal/maintenance information

Maintaining Your AWS Welding Certification

By following the maintenance process properly, your AWS welding certification can remain valid indefinitely! Every six months, simply:

  1. Complete the Maintenance of Welder Certification Form (which requires verification you used the specific welding process within the past six months)
  2. Collect the $25 welder renewal fee (payment can be made via check, money order, or credit card)
  3. Submit the maintenance form and associated payment to the AWS
    • Mail: 8669 NW 36th Street #130, Miami, Florida 33166-6672
    • Email (credit card payments, only):
    • Fax (credit card payments, only): (305) 443-6445

Our other (related) resources:


AWS Approved Test Facilities in California

Application Process

City of Los Angeles Certified Welder